Delhi Police women to create history in Republic Day Parade on 26th January

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This will be the first time in the history of Delhi Police that only women police personnel will be among the members of its contingent participating in the Republic Day Parade on 26 January. This contingent will also be led by a woman IPS officer. Participation of all  women contingent by Delhi Police is being considered a symbol of women empowerment. Another specialty of this contingent of Delhi Police is that most of the women policemen included in it are from the North-Eastern states. Due to various other reasons also, this contingent is going to become the center of attraction in the parade.

As part of India’s 75th Republic Day celebrations, preparations for this parade on 26th January are going on, this time also in the harsh winter of January. Along with other armed forces, paramilitary forces and police organizations, Delhi Police contingent is also engaged in march past practice. There are 194 constables and constable women police personnel in this contingent of Delhi Police and they are led by Indian Police Service officer Shweta K Sugathan.

Interestingly, all these women of Delhi Police  participating in the Republic Day Parade have got this opportunity for the first time. Delhi Police’s Special Commissioner (Armed Police) Robin Hibu  says that these policemen are very excited about the marchpast. IPS officer Mr. Hibu is also from the north-eastern state of Manipur.

Another specialty of this marching contingent of Delhi Police will be that all the members of the 135-member pipe band playing music are also women police personnel and they are also led by woman constable Ruyangunuo Kense. She is also from the north-eastern states. Although the pipe band of women police personnel  of Delhi Police had participated in the Republic Day Parade last year too  but then it was led by a male officer – Inspector Rajendra Singh.

The Republic Day Parade is organized by the  Ministry of Defence. Last year the Ministry had asked the participating forces and departments to ensure women participation in the parade of 2024 . The Delhi Police contingent has been participating in this parade every year since 26 January 1950 and during this period its marching contingent has had the honor of being awarded the best marching contingent trophy 15 times in the police category.

Delhi Police last received this trophy for best marching in 2021 . It is not easy to achieve this feat because there is a lot of competition among police organizations to achieve it. However, Delhi Police has put in various efforts to improve the parade. To make the parade impressive , a lot of practice and hard work, along with changes in costumes and decorations, various types of techniques are also used.

Photography to videography is done to detect and correct various types of flaws including coordination during the practice of march past. From the chirpy and similar physique of the troop members, their agility to their voice, everything is considered important while selecting the participants.