Recognizing the excellent performance of Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) players in the 3rd All India Police Judo Cluster Championship -2018 and other International sports events such as, 5th Asian Dragon Boat Championship at Dali, China, Asian Canoe Slalom Championship under–23 & Junior at Karaj Iran, International Wushu Championship, Malaysia, SOG Games China, 06th Sashastra Seema Bal Judokas Commonwealth Judo Championship at Jaipur, Rajasthan, BRICS Games at Johannesburg, South Africa and ISTAF (International Sepaktakraw Federation) world Cup, 2018, the DG, Sashastra Seema Bal SS Deswal felicitated medalists with cash reward upto Rs. 37500/- as per their achievements on 22 November at Force Hqrs, SSB New Delhi.

At the 3rd All India Police Judo Cluster -2018 held at Cuttack, Odisha w.e.f. 15.11.2018 to 19.11.2018. Sashastra Seema Bal players showed excellent performance and have won 45 medals in total, making Sashastra Seema Bal overall champions of the championship. SSB’s Wushu & Taekwondo teams, under both men & women category, have secured 1st positions by grabbing maximum number of medals and in Judo SSB has secured 2nd position (both men & women category) whereas in gymnastics Sashastra Seema Bal is placed at 3rd position.
DG SSB has congratulated and encouraged the players to strive for more success in future. He also directed that all eligible sportspersons who have displayed good performance in previous & future championships may be given out of turn promotion expeditiously, per Government policy.
Furthermore, DG, SSB directed that all players must be given special diet regularly as per entitlement. In the end, DG SSB empathized that in order to excel, at not just Police games but at International level as well, SSB’s players must strictly adhere to the Mantra of “self discipline” and “will power” and has asked the players to aim for Olympics.