A lesson for Senior Cops : true personal experience

H P S Virk

One late evening a message arrived from commissioner’s office summoning me to his office, next day at 9.30 am sharp. The ominous timings and crucial mode of communication forecasting the seriousness of the impending situation.

On landing at Police Head Quarters, next morning, had to wait for my turn in beeline queue of visitors. At my turn had just entered the office of Commissioner of Police M B Kaushal, when a urgent communication made him depart for an pressing meeting elsewhere. On leaving he asked me to meet Deputy Commissioner of Police (HQ), UNB Rao. Entering his office Mr. Rao gestured me to be comfortably seated.

The file of my criminal ‘misconduct’ lay right on the table. Without beating about the bush, straightaway coming down to the brass tracks he stated, ” We have received a serious complaint against you, You have been threatening some retired and serving senior officials with dire consequences, grossly misusing your official position”.

I had never expected, nor was prepared for such a rude shock? Felt as though a thousand wasps had strung me simultaneously. Maintaining my professional calmness questioned about the basis of such blatant baseless allegations.

An interesting story thus unfolded :

One south Indian ”God-Man” claiming himself as master of the exceptional supernatural powers, carried on a lucrative business of hoodwinking gullible citizens. He built an strong empire of falsehood on the foundations of deceitfulness. Many sensible citizens, including retired and serving senior officials got entrapped in his wide angled carefully laid trawl net. He lived a luxurious life, in comfortable environs of a posh south Delhi locality.

Transcending heights of, “an imprudent knavery”, embarking on an unique unprecedented mission. He announced for creation of “elixir of youth”, using his celestial powers and materials collected from far and wide. All persons who were experiencing depletion of their physical prowess as a result of old age were allured by his theatrical presentation, eagerly awaited production of such amazing concoction. They willfully parted with their money, required by this god-man, who would soon be able to restore back the rejuvenation of relished youthfulness of bygone days. Their better halves and offspring also could not escape his well laid out snares.

The D-day for completion of this prestigious project was postponed several times on the pretext that this unexpected delay had not been envisaged earlier. Nothing concrete came out of this futile exercise which merely ended in a blank fiasco. Finally mustering up enough courage, coming out of their induced trance these vexed persons confronted the god-man, who simply asked them to have patience, begging them for grant of some more time.

Meanwhile the versatile god-man, who had enjoyed a bumper harvest of cheating these impressionable humans, had already sown another crop of prospective enthusiasts awaiting miracle.

Thereafter these defunct, dejected, dishonored citizens started receiving threatening phone calls from, ” A police officer named Virk, residing at Kingsway Camp, Delhi.” This was last available straw, my patience burst all its embankments, loudly questioned the mental discernment of Police Head Quarters, on the question of their inaction on the complaint of these aggrieved persons. Why did they failed to take this matter seriously, nor investigated the grave allegations, for reaching a logical conclusion.

DCP Mr. Rao . raised a valid question that why my name had been specifically chosen to threaten these complainants ? To this my only simple answer was,”You better ask god-man or his henchmen, who had impersonated me”. Subsequently walked out of DCP Hqs. office, without uttering another single word, leaving the head office to take appropriate action they deemed fit.

After a couple days a glaring news appeared in National Dailies, about the booking of and arrest of the controversial god-man, under a number of sections from Indian Penal Code. I kept on wondering for quite sometime, why people knowingly fall in trap of such “self styled spiritual thugs”? Failed to find any plausible convincing answer so far.

“Elixir of Youth “, has been a much debated subject throughout the ages. In ancient Indian, Greek, Chinese, Arabian, Hebrew mythology it had found an respectable place. Till date scientists all around the world, so far have failed in their endeavor to unearth any evidence of such purported miraculous herbal medical preparation.

The only exclusive source of attainment of eternity, happens to be solely available with the sovereign supreme Master who is the Creator of entire universe.

(Author is retired Deputy Commissioner of Delhi Police and content is based on his experience)