Telangana Police : 144 Inspectors promoted as DSP


Telangana government has promoted 144 Police Inspectors to the rank of Deputy Superintendent of Police . The decision was announced on the occasion of Telangana Rashtra Avatarana Dashabdi Utsavalu yesterday.

“It is a great feeling of joy to announce that on the occasion of Telangana Rashtra Avatarana Dashabdi Utsavalu Govt has promoted 141 Inspectors of Police (civil) to the rank of Dy. Supdt of Police (civil)”, tweeted,  the Director General of Police of the State  Anjani Kumar ,

While congratulating the officer through official Twitter handle ,IPS Anjani Kumar appreciated the State Government. Telangana was formed in June, 2014. Before that , it was a part of Andhra Pradesh.