Kiran Bedi shares amazing result of police beat system in Puducherry

Puducherry police beat Officer.

First female Indian Police Service officer, Ramon Magsaysay Award winner and an administrator Dr. Kiran Bedi finds Puducherry Police’s Beat System as one of the finest beat system in country. One of the most experienced police officer of India, 70 year old Mrs Bedi has shared her feedback , to Rakshak News , about this system. She is Lieutenant Governor of Puducherry. We are sharing the same in her words :

Perhaps it may be not far to say that the Police Beat officers and the Beat System in Puducherry is probably well nourished and trained to none other in the country.
They are very humane and helpful. It’s been seen now over the years in all regions including far away Yanam. These police beat officers have been daily visiting senior citizens to ask if they need any specific assistance.

Kiran Bedi

Each Beat Police officer attends daily morning roll calls from their respective SHOs and shares relevant information about his/her beat. They are now recording in their own hand writing in the daily diary of Police stations their return reports. And not delegate the police station WRITER. (as is normally the practice) This has been done away by an order of Police Headquarters.

They are reporting to toll free number 100 or 112 or 1031 any glaring or even minor deficiencies they observe on matters of public concern.The control room receiving information connects with the concerned dept or agency to get the matter addressed immed. And the time taken for the response too is recorded and shared amongst all Secretaries and HODs. The list is compiled by the Chief Grievances Officer of Raj Niwas Dr Baskaran. The morning meeting of Team Raj Niwas daily examines and reviews the pattern of reports which come from the ground level. And ensures and over sees their follow up action.

The police beat system has by now substantially reduced number of drop outs from schools. Also the reoccurrence of crimes by past arrested persons. Besides women feeling securer too. Beat police officers are calling on the sureties of past accused and exhorting them to ensure control over their arrested /accused they had assured the courts for good behaviour.

Hence the beat system is well supervised daily briefed and also duly empowered is providing assured security on the streets of Puducherry. All women cops posted to police station also have independent beats.This is the strength of policing in Puducherry.

Worthy of emulation in other places too. The Government of India too has been asking all UTs to have such a beat system.