Delhi Police Commissioner Rakesh Asthana has launched three digital initiatives as a part of modernization of the Capital City Police. These initiatives Anubhuti , a QR code based feedback system, e Chittha portal and more informative website with new look, today at Adarsh Auditorium in Police Headquarters.
Speaking on the occasion, Shri Asthana said that these three initiatives have added a new dimension in digitization and modernization of Delhi Police. The maximum utilization of technology with the objective to improve service delivery systems and ensuring safety and security of people is essential in the present environment. Anubhuti – Feedback Management System will establish two-way communication with the public and improve the police working through the analysis of feedback received. Similarly, the refurbished user friendly and more informative website of Delhi Police will be quite useful for citizens to know about Delhi Police services at one click. 3rd initiative i.e. e-Chittha is the backbone of duty deployment.

“Implementation of e-Chittha will not only ensure optimal use of manpower resources, but also increase efficiency and transparency in working. Thus, the staff will get sufficient time for family and their own health & wellbeing and would work with more zeal and enthusiasm. Delhi Police has set an example by introducing these digital initiatives and other forces will emulate us in coming days, ” the Commissioner said.
According to a press release , ‘ Anubhuti ‘a feedback management system is a paperless feedback system from the public. Persons visiting the police station have to scan the QR code of the police station and mark the feedback responses. Response databases will be utilized to analyse and take corrective steps for improvement in police public interface. The identity of the user will not be disclosed.

According to a police statement ,the merging of PCR into districts has resulted in availability of more manpower and patrol vehicles at beat and Police stations. For the optimal use of resources and manpower, the need of a digital duty roster was emphasized. Further, separation of law & order and investigation at all police stations had also necessitated equal distribution of work to bring about the desired results. The e-Chittha has been operative in all 178 territorial police stations from today.
Police Commissioner Rakesh Asthana presented mementos to Former Home Secretary V K Duggal, , Former Additional Chief Secretary B K Sinha and Former Vice Chancellor of Delhi University Dinesh Singh. Shri Asthana also felicitated officers and men of Delhi Police as well as of National e-Governance Division (NeGD), who were instrumental in making these initiatives successful.