A lesson for police : strategy to handle riot type critical situation

1992 Delhi Riots (File). In Inset HPS Virk

The unspeakable historical day of December, 6th 1992, proved to be a landmark occasion for testing traditional secular credentials of a great nation.The demolition of “disputed mosque”, triggered an unprecedented mountainous avalanche of tension, anxiety and fear in inquisitive questioning minds of millions of peaceable Indians. Resultant scenario placed total police forces on tenterhooks of heightened fearful apprehensions, posing a potential threat to maintenance of peace and tranquility.

How could the capital city of Delhi remain secluded from fear engulfing rest of the nation?

Though general atmosphere between the feuding fractions externally appeared cordial but internally remained full of wrathful distraught distrust. The walled city once again turned into a nucleus centre of an impending communal tornado. Local police with inbuilt, inherent limitations, confinements and various restrictions is incompetent in dealing with any high magnitude contingency situation.

As a strong reassuring countermeasure Sikh officers specially handpicked from different units were deployed in the raging downtown. Residents of walled city were subjected to strict prohibitory restrictions, usually promulgated under such formidable critical situations.

On dawn of chilly cold morning of 7th December, circumventing all the restraining constrictions local residents converged in large numbers in the compound of Jama Masjid. The devotees desirous of participating in prayer plus eagerly hearing the message of their religious conscience keepers.
Commissioner and other top bigwigs sitting in HQ. remained calm and vigilant, holding their fingers crossed, plus keeping nerves cool, carefully monitoring and evaluating the sequence of unfolding events. At ground zero well equipped fully prepared to tackle any unforeseen eventuality, we waited impatiently. Offering prayers and listening to address of Shahi Imam the exiting crowds emotionally surcharged were vociferously shouting anti-govt slogans, as expected on such occasions.

Our public address system remained busy broadcasting, message loud and clear for ensuring a peaceful dispersal. The ground force making fervent efforts to enforce compliance of essential orders.

A S Cheema and myself were positioned right outside the monumental Jama Masjid. Commissioner M B Kaushal by withdrawing policemen from HQ. and non-essential duties succeeded in saturating the affected area with a large police presence. Fresh recruits, yet to attend ceremonial passing-out-parade, formed a vital part of our frontline defence.

The stream of surging crowd suddenly went berserk, the exit in fact was in form of a mass exodus, while entry had been in trickles. Left with no option for negotiations, keeping in view the volatile state of affairs, we were forced to make use of tear gas, from preplanned safe locations in a liberal measure for quelling unruly crowd. Clouds of tear smoke blending with thick wintry smog producing a deadly mixture of obnoxious acrid gaseous mixture.

Amidst this confusing pandemonium the thick crowd soon began to melt making a swift beeline for seeking refuge in the safe harboring shelter of their neighborhood habitats. Reserve contingent of Armed police recruits sporting .303 rifles, perched atop police post panicked badly at sight of an unanticipated, unimaginable ruckus. In a fit of consternation fired a volley of lethal bullets luckily in air, causing no fatality. The sharp sound of rifle-fire however got embedded in the tintinnabulation of discordant noises badly polluting the atmosphere.

Around midday our field-staff superbly succeeded in establishing full, undisputed control over the entire area. An eerie pin-drop silence prevailed everywhere, the life and property of citizens however remained fully safe and secure.

Special branch personnel led by chief J P Singh on getting wind of rifle-fire started snooping in troubled waters, being a part of their everyday routine job. Sticking to our guns we absolutely denied occurrence of any such untoward happening. The expended shell casings were urgently got stealthily replenished by fresh ammunition by depositing these in stock of ‘practice firing’.
A high profile law enforcement expert P R S Brar singularly shouldered the pivotal task of strategic planning. Versatile highly practical jovial officer Ujjwal Mishra strongly holding the fort, managed overall management of ‘outside force’ deployed in troubled walled city.

Around afternoon even auspicious looking sun brightly appeared overhead to cheer us plus helped in dispelling the heavy prevailing atmosphere.

Major media print/electronic, both national/international converged for a press conference outside Jama Majid, for reporting factual situation to eagerly awaiting persons across the planet. Ujjwal Mishra pressed me to address members of press and TV corps as it would have a much better spectacular impact on the worldwide viewers. Projecting a non partisan police action to public was highly strategic need of the hour.

Tackling media prudently we succeed in creating a soothing reassuring effect on the minds of inquisitive longing audience awaiting news of factual situation.

Years later, I was surprised to find my name in Seattle Times, in faraway Washington State USA, which had reported this Jama Masjid news item.

During forthcoming days we did face a lot of high tension challenging occasions but confidently managed to smoothly sail across dire straits with God’s merciful grace. Remaining present in the area 24/7 till 19th of January 1993, established a superb record, effectively protecting precious life and property of our esteemed citizens. This action gave us a lot of satisfaction, though at times residents did face several tense prickly nightmare situations. Escaping unscathed through this unparalleled ordeal being a pleasant consolation, which I am sure by and large citizens under siege must certainly have appreciated.


NOTE: This professional handling of critical situation found suitable place in citation for President’s police medal.
“During the post Ayodhya law and order situation he was called to assist Sh. Ujjwal Mishra DCP in the highly explosive and volatile area of Jama Masjid. The situation was brought under control and area remained trouble free with no untoward incident occurring from 7 Dec.1992 to 19 Jan.1993”.

(Author of the article is retired Deputy Commissioner of Delhi Police)