Stagnation removed : Home Ministry approved CRPF cadre review

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Home Ministry of Government of India has approved the major cadre review of Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) benefiting thousands of personnel below officer rank. CRPF has increased sanction strength at various ranks in general duty. According to a press release 91% posts of Subedar Major/Inspector ranks has been increased where as Sub Inspector (SI) rank by 100%, Assistant Sub Inspectors (ASI) and Head Constable posts by 34% and 40% respectively.

According to CRPF the restructuring of the force will not only provide better pay, perks and rank up gradation, this will also provide opportunity for junior leadership to grow, improve operational eficacy with a younger age profile. Force of 2.37, CRPF will now have 6271 Major Subedar and 17403 Sub Inspectors.

Cadre review of CRPF will also resolve the issues and challenges, being faced after the decision of increasing retirement age from 57 years to 60 years, resulting lack of promotion opportunity as no personal would retire in coming three years. This move of Cadre review will end stagnation and provide promotion opportunity to Group B and C personnel. The waiting time of promotion, from Constable to Inspector rank, will decrease from 3 to 5 years.

The move is being considered as morale booster for CRPF as an organisation. According to press release, this is the first time in the history of CRPF, since its inception in 1939, has undertaken such a larger scale cadre restructuring.