increasing treatment facility depends upon equipment supply , says Indian Army

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Director General of Armed Forces Medical Services (DG AFMS), Lt Gen Anup Banerji has assured that COVID 19 related treatment facilities and hospitals being enhanced depending upon the situation and availability of equipment from suppliers. He also conveyed that in future also, the number of beds for patients will be increased depending upon the situation.

Lt Gen Anup Banerji , during a meeting , briefed Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh about the latest development and current status in regard with North Eastern region of the country as Dr. Jitendra Singh is Minister incharge of Development of North Eastern Region (DoNER)in Prime Minister office.

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DG of AFMS , Lt Gen Anup Banerji has disclosed that while in Arunachal Pradesh, Military Hospital Tenga had 80 designated beds for COVID and 2 ICU beds, Military Hospital at Likabali has 82 designated beds for COVID and 2 ICU beds. Similarly, at Jorhat in Assam and Shillong in Meghalaya, Armed forces Medical Services had made available 110 and 247 designated COVID beds respectively, in addition to 10 and 4 ICU beds respectively.

While receiving an update from the DG AFMS Lt Gen Anup Banerji, Dr Jitendra Singh had a special word of praise for the Army Command Hospital in Udhampur which had earmarked 200 designated beds for COVID cases and 6 beds in ICU for critical cases including civilian patients, in the beginning itself. Similarly, he noted that the Army Hospital in Srinagar had also designated 124 beds and Army Hospital in Rajouri had designated 82 beds for COVID cases in order to supplement the facilities set up by Health authorities of the Union Territory government. In addition, the Command Hospital Udhampur was also providing diagnostic facilities right from the beginning, he added.

Director General of Armed Forces Medical Services (DG AFMS), Lt Gen Anup Banerji briefing Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh in New Delhi

Dr Singh lauded the Army medical COVID related assistance for Northeast and Jammu & Kashmir, and appreciated the Armed Forces Medical Services (AFMS) for responding to step in at the early stage of pandemic, in order to supplement the diagnostic and treatment facilities in the initial phase of preparedness.

Dr Jitendra Singh appreciated the proactive support in the initial stages of COVID pandemic which had also contributed in reducing the disease burden. He also mentioned the quarantine camps and isolation facilities set up by the Armed Forces Medical Sercvices.