Extensive search operation to locate missing AN 32 Aircraft of IAF

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AN 32 aircraft

Bad weather in North East region has affected the search and rescue operation for missing AN 32 Aircraft with 13 persons on board. Indian Air Force’ transport carrier aircraft lost connectivity with its control in Arunachal Pradesh on Monday.

According to a press release , extensive efforts are on to locate the Indian Air Force AN-32, which went missing on 03 Jun 19. The aircraft got airborne from Jorhat Airfield for Mechuka Advanced Landing Ground (ALG). Once the aircraft did not report at the destination, overdue actions were initiated. Indian Air Force commenced extensive search and rescue operations and launched C-130, AN-32, Mi-17 and ALH (Indian Army) helicopters. The aircraft are equipped with advanced sensors.

Indian Navy P-8 I aircraft joined the search operations today. CARTOSAT AND RISAT satellites of ISRO are also taking images of the area. Post sunset, search by helicopters have ceased for the day. However, search by all sensors with night capability and the ground party will continue throughout the night. All possible assistance is being provided by Indian Army, Indian Navy, Police and State administration.

Six officers and seven others were boarding the Aircraft . The families of all air-warriors on board the aircraft have been informed and are being regularly updated on the progress of search for the missing aircraft.