DRDO developed mobile lab for COVID-19 testing in 15 days

DRDO developed mobile lab for COVID-19

Defence Research and Development Organisation(DRDO) has developed a Mobile Virology Research and Diagnostics Laboratory (MVRDL) with the help of ESIC Hospital, Hyderabad and Private industry. Developed in record time of 15 days, this is Bio-Safety Level 2 and Level 3 lab which can process more than 1,000 samples in a day. Thus a major contribution in enhancing India’s capabilities in fighting COVID19.

DRDO developed mobile lab for COVID-19

Defence Minister Rajnath Singh unveiled the laboratory via video conference in New Delhi yesterday and while speaking on this occasion Rajnath Singh appreciated the setting up of this lab in a record time of 15 days which usually takes about six months time.He said our Armed Forces are contributing in many ways – such as setting up of quarantine centres, providing healthcare facilities, evacuating Indian Nationals from other countries etc – to fight COVID19 and these efforts will continue.

DRDO developed mobile lab for COVID-19

The function was also attended by Union Minister of State for Home Affairs G Kishan Reddy, Minister of State for Labour & Employment Santosh Kumar Gangwar, Telangana’s Minister for IT Industries, Muncipal Administration & Urban Development KT Rama Rao , Minister of Labour Ch Malla Reddy and Secretary of DDR&D & Chairman of DRDO Dr G Satheesh Reddy.

DRDO developed mobile lab for COVID-19

According to a press release , the first of such Mobile Viral Research Lab (MVRL) that will speed up COVID-19 screening and related R&D activities was developed by Research Centre Imarat (RCI), the Hyderabad based laboratory of DRDO in consultation with ESIC Hospital in Hyderabad.

” The Mobile Viral Research Lab is the combination of a BSL 3 lab and a BSL 2 lab essential to carry out the activities. The labs are built as per WHO and ICMR Bio-safety standards to meet international guidelines. The system has built in electrical controls, LAN, Telephone cabling, and CCTV, ” said a press release.

Defence Minister Rajnath Singh unveiled the Mobile Virology Research and Diagnostics Laboratory.

According to it features , the Mobile Lab will be helpful to carry out diagnosis of COVID-19 and also virus culturing for drug screening, Convalescent plasma derived therapy, comprehensive immune profiling of COVID-19 patients towards vaccine development early clinical trials specific to Indian population. The lab screens 1000-2000 samples per day. This lab can be positioned anywhere in the country, as per requirement.

DRDO acknowledged the contributions of M/s iCOMM for provision of containers, M/s iClean for design and build of the BSL2 and BSL3 labs in a time bound manner, and M/s Hi Tech Hydraulics for providing the base frame.