24 patients tested positive in R R hospital, shifted to Base hospital

दिल्ली स्थित सेना के आर आर (रिसर्च एंड रेफरल) अस्पताल
  • The deadly Coronavirus or Covid- 19 has knocked the doors of Indian Army. All military personnel have been informed that only in emergency, they or their family should go to R R Hospital or the base hospital  in Delhi Cantonment. The directive came after 24 people admitted at the Army’s Research and Referral hospital in New Delhi were found infected by the Coronavirus. They were admitted in the oncology ward of the hospital. After their Covid-19 test reports came positive, they were shifted to the base hospital in Delhi Cantonment for Coronavirus treatment as per the official protocol.

Among the infected patients, some are retired and serving military personnel. It is still not confirmed if the virus has infected  the medical staff of the hospital but officials suspect that medical staff of the RR hospital might have been infected by the virus. However, Army has directed that those who have visited the hospital in the last few days, should be careful and report  if they find symptoms in them. The army has also directed all the units to keep a close watch on their personnel who themselves or their family members visited the hospital in the last few days. The army also directed its units  to collect details of those visited the hospital and send them to the data department.