Reshuffle in Philippines Army : Maj. Gen. Steve D. Crespillo is Chief of West Mind Com

Major General Steve D. Crespillois new Commander for the Western Mindanao Command
Major General Steve D. Crespillo has assumed the role of Commander for the Western Mindanao Command (WestMinCom). He was the Vice Commander of the Philippine Army earlier.
Maj. Gen.  Steve D. Crespillo has  replaced Lt. Gen.  Roy M Galido PA who is now the Army Commanding General.
Maj. Gen. Steve D. Crespillo with Lt. Gen. Roy M Galido PA during Guard of Honor.

The transition in the Philippine  Army  occurred during a Change of Command Ceremony on September 5, 2023 at WestMinCom’s headquarters in Camp Navarro, Zamboanga City. The ceremony was overseen by  the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines General Romeo S. Brawner Jr.