Dr. Chopra advised police to exercise, meditate and eat vegan food to relieve stress

Dr. Deepak Chopra during lecture at Adarsh Auditorium of Delhi Police Headquarters

Renowned neuro-endocrinologist Dr. Deepak Chopra has advised police personnel  to pay special attention to three things to keep themselves free from all kinds of mental pressure. He said  that to avoid the effects of mental pressure, police officers should do regular exercise, meditate and take a plant based diet. Dr. Chopra was answering questions from police officers after addressing a program jointly organized by the Delhi Police Family Welfare Committee and the Delhi Police.

Author of more than 90 books on subjects ranging from physical and mental health to various aspects of human experience, Dr Chopra’s lecture was held at the Adarsh Auditorium of Delhi Police Headquarters at Jai Singh Road here in New Delhi. He was invited by the Delhi Police to deliver a lecture on stress management titled ‘Stress management and well-being in high-pressure jobs’. Delhi Police Commissioner Sanjay Arora and President of Delhi Police Family Welfare Committee Ritu Arora along with all senior officials of police were present in this program. A large number of personnel from Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP), Inspector to other ranks also participated in the event.

According to police ,  the lecture was held to address and resolve the stress causing factors to mitigate mental stress level among police personnel as police personnel work under a testing and stressful environment and a frequent exposure to the same makes them vulnerable to certain mental and physical diseases.

Dr. Deepak Chopra with the executive members of the Delhi Police Family Welfare Committee and Police Commissioner Sanjay Arora

In response to an officer’s question regarding stress prevention and diet, Dr. Deepak Chopra said  that non-vegetarian food should be avoided or minimized. He advised everyone to avoid packed meat altogether. Dr. Chopra called such packed food dangerous to health. Dr. Chopra said that we should eat such food which is based on trees, plants, fruits etc. This food is suitable according to the genetic structure of our body.

Another police officer asked Dr. Chopra  a question stating his problem that he falls asleep while he goes into the posture of meditation?  Dr. Chopra advised him to make up for his lack of sleep. Dr. Chopra said, ‘You need more sleep.’ Dr. Chopra believes that  a person should take 8 hours of sleep out of 24 hours a day. There was also a question from an officer that on meditating, he gets different thoughts and he is not able to concentrate. On this, Dr. Chopra’s answer was that such thoughts do come but stop thinking about it.

76-year-old Indian-American Dr. Deepak Chopra, an expert in all kinds of yogic activities, has also been a health advisor to celebrities like Michael Jackson (singer and dancer ). Dr. Deepak Chopra gave a formula for happiness  during today’s program. He said that in order to remove oneself from the state of mental tension, sorrow , grief or pressure, one should go to such a situation which gives us happiness or joy. There is also a  way that in such a situation, if we do something to make others happy, then we will get happiness ourselves.

During his lecture, Dr. Chopra threw light on the points ranging from meditation, inner state to human feelings, human thinking, decision making power based on human experiences and their effects. He says that only our mental health can determine physical reality.

In response to the question asked by an officer regarding the dreams that come in sleep, Dr. Chopra said that the thoughts that come in the dream do not stay for a long time, so one should not be distracted by them. Rather, Dr. Chopra  said that the life we are living is also a dream. Our situation changes every moment because what happens once does not happen again. Therefore life  is also a kind of dream. During the program, Dr. Chopra also made all the people present in the auditorium meditate for 3 minutes to relieve stress.

Police Commissioner  Sanjay Aroa and Smt. Ritu Arora ( President of PFWS)  felicitated Dr. Chopra  by presenting him a memento. The program was broadcast live on various social media platforms of Delhi Police. People present in various campuses, units or centers of Delhi Police outside the headquarters were also connected online but due to technical glitch their questions could not be heard or answered.