CRPF Passing Out Parade : force gets 22 new company commanders

CRPF passing out parade commander Vinay Jawla received the sword of honour.

The Passing Out Parade of the 54th batch of 22 Directly Appointed Gazetted Officers (DAGOs) of the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) was conducted  at the CRPF Academy in  Gurugram on Monday.

The Parade was the culmination of training covering a wide range of subjects, including firearms handling, law enforcement, management, human rights, VIP security, law and order maintenance, physical fitness, unarmed combat, field engineering, IED modules, fieldcraft, jungle survival, operational case studies, and more.

Director General of CRPF Anish Dayal Singh presided as the chief guest of the function. The parade was commanded by Vinay Jawla, one of the trainees, who not only led with distinction but also received accolades including the Home Minister’s trophy, Sword of Honour, and the Best in Outdoor Training trophy.

Special recognition was also bestowed upon Sahil Chikara for excelling in Indoor Subjects and Anshul Mishra for demonstrating outstanding physical training abilities.

Oath Ceremony

IPS Anish Dayal Singh  congratulated the graduating officers and their families on their remarkable achievement after completing 52 weeks of rigorous basic training. He said that service and loyalty, the motto of CRPF, would always serve as the guiding principle throughout their careers.

CRPF Chief expressed confidence that the hard work during training will enable these young officers to bring honor and glory to CRPF and  that the internal security of the country is in safe hands.

54th batch of 22 Directly Appointed Gazetted Officers of the Central Reserve Police Force

The newly appointed officers, who will now serve as company commanders across various regions of the country, were encouraged by DG CRPF to prioritize the spirit of “Nation First” and meet the challenges to internal security of the country with fortitude and determination.